=== Opus Primus changelog.txt === Last revised February 6, 2016 Future recent changelog entries will be found in the `readme.txt` file. This file will be used as an archive of all changelog entries. = Version 1.4 = * Released June 2015 = Code = * Added `widgets` to the HTML5 theme supported items * Added `number_format_i18n` to better accommodate locale based values * Added two classes for use in rendering the comments link text displayed ... or not * Added `Share the Author Wealth` method, not implemented as a display element, yet * Added context (`_x`) for complete byline phrase translation string * Change all classes to a singleton style * Ensure `$pagination` has been initialized in `OpusPrimusNavigation::pagination` method * Improved i18n implementation in search found results string * Moved the `support_comment` method back into the `OpusPrimusStructures` class * Moved the `before_comment_form` and `comments_form_closed` methods back into the `OpusPrimusComments` class * Refactored `OpusPrimusComments::comments_link` to use the WordPress core more effectively * Removed `$screen` parameter as not necessary in Taglines Stanza * Renamed file `class.OpusPrimusHeaders.php` to `class.OpusPrimusHeader.php` for consistency * Removed "TagLines" Stanza and made available as separate plugin - see https://github.com/Cais/opus-primus-taglines-stanza * Removed "THA" Stanza and made available as separate plugin - see https://github.com/Cais/opus-primus-tha-stanza = CSS = * Added class definition to hide comment link text when comments are closed and there are no comments * Adjusted CSS to not reference `li` elements in default widget styles * Adjust breadcrumb font-size (reduced by 1px) to correct wrapping effect = Miscellaneous = * i18n: Added base `opus-primus.pot` file as well as English (Canadian) files * i18n: `null` does not need to be translated * i18n: Symbolic characters do not need to be translated * Added `opus_authors_list` filter hook * Continue removal of extraneous end of structure comments ... /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ = Version 1.3.4 = * Released March 2015 = Code = * Used a more specific element identifier for the SlickNav `prependTo` parameter = Miscellaneous = * Continue removal of extraneous end of structure comments ... /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ = Version 1.3.3 = * Released March 2015 * Added sanity checks to ensure there is actually an image in use when returning the featured image view. /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ = Version 1.3.2 = * Released March 2015 * Added support for the `title` tag via `add_theme_support` function /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ = Version 1.3.1 = * Released March 2015 = Code = * Added `get_the_posts_pagination` for navigation between pages of posts * Added `hide_category_widget_list_items` method and related hook * Added some escaping sanitization and linked Featured Image to post via the post ID * Changed method to return the Featured Thumbnail versus outputting it * Changed from using `get_the_time` to `date_i18n` for `OpusPrimusImages::exif_timestamp` method * Extracted code from `featured_thumbnail` method to create `featured_thumbnail_single_view` method * Improved look of navigation links in `OpusPrimusNavigation::multiple_pages_link` method = CSS = * Added `=== Screen Reader Text ===` section * Added `h5.comments-link` definition to provide a better aesthetic location * Added styling to navigation for moving within a single post's pages * Incorporated WordPress recommended styles for `.screen-reader-text` class = Miscellaneous = * Added `opus_featured_thumbnail_single_view_portrait` filter hook and updated `hooks-filters.txt` * Begin removal of extraneous end of structure comments ... * Inline documentation clean-up and re-organization * Updated `hooks-filters.txt` file /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.3 == * Released November 2014 = Code = * Added `post-title-link` wrapper class to better manage Post Title output * Added WordPress HTML5 markup support for search form, comment form, comment list, and caption * Added sanity checks to ensure constants are not already defined * Added `OpusPrimusRouter` class to replace path and URL CONSTANTS * Added Child-Theme "slug" for easier customizations * Added empty hooks before and after showing the breadcrumbs * Added OpusPrimusComments class methods to `functions.php` to work-around duplicate output issue * Added checks for Child-Theme and relevant references to `opus_primus_support_comment` * Better code organization to only load classes when needed * Changed post breadcrumb link to the WordPress shortlink * Create `/lib/` folder to store bundled libraries and ancillary files * Enqueue JavaScripts and CSS for SlickNav JavaScript plugin integration to handle mobile menus * Extracted the Opus Primus PullQuotes Stanza (see https://github.com/Cais/opus-primus-pullquotes) * Moved `support_comment` method to `functions.php` to eliminate duplicate output * Replaced the majority of `require_once` calls with `locate_template` calls * Replaced `global` variable calls with `new` class instances * Update to use `preg_match_all` in OpusPrimusGallery featured and secondary id methods = CSS = * Added new typography styles for better reading * Added styles for the "BNS Login" plugin * Added `clear: both` to `footer` * Added `width: auto;` for `th` and `td` elements * Added `#header-widgets` to the "Clearance" section of `opus-primus.css` * Added minor `attachment` related styles * Added better search form aesthetics in the sidebar * Change default `ul` list-style property to `none inside` * Hide the post/page breadcrumbs in mobile displays * Hide "Search" button for search form * Removed duplicate definitions from media queries stylesheet * Removed unused `div#top-navigation-menu` definition * Removed unused `nav div.nav ul li` definition * Updated `editor-style.css` to match new typography of theme * Updated galleries styles to use HTML5 markup * Updated font-size of excerpt more link symbol to 35px from 200% = JavaScript = * Integrated "SlickNav" (Created by Josh Cope - @computerwolf) for mobile menu support * Integrated "FitVids" built by Chris Coyier (http://chriscoyier.net/) and Paravel (http://paravelinc.com/) = Miscellaneous * Added Contact Form 7 compatibility * Added BNS Login compatibility to use `dashicons` display * Added Gravity Forms compatibility (for reCaptcha form) * Added to `readme.txt` FAQ "I just updated to version 1.3, what could be causing these child-theme errors?" * Removed `works-in-progress` folder from theme * Updated `readme.txt` to note the use and license of SlickNav by Josh Cope * Updated `readme.txt` to note the use and license of FitVids by Chris Coyier and Paravel * Updated `readme.txt` to remove FAQ item related to blank menu items; resolved in WordPress core trac ticket #23254 * Updated `style.css` description to emphasize the addition of the SlickNav and FitVids libraries * Updated `screenshot.png` to better reflect latest release * Updated `hooks-actions.txt` with new additions /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.2.5 == * Released July 2014 = Code = * Added new method `OpusPrimusNavigation::pagination` for moving between pages of posts * Added new method `OpusPrimusNavigation::pagination_wrapped` to provide actions hooks before and after the `pagination` method * Added `antispambot` email protection to author biography email addresses * Added sanity checks to ensure widgets are active before rendering sidebars * Added `opus_primus_defaults.php` to replace `$opus_defaults` class * Added `opus-primus-ignite.php` to reduce clutter in `functions.php` * Added `opus_image_link_navigation_output` filter hook to provide access to navigation output * Added `opus_tagline` to default hidden screen options array * Adjusted the `OpusPrimusStructures::the_loop` and `OpusPrimusStructures::the_loop_archives` to use the `pagination_wrapped` method * Changed navigation method from `posts_link` to `pagination` * Changed single view first year of copyright to published year of post/page in `OpusPrimusStructures::copyright` method * Deprecated `OpusPrimusDefaults` class (file may be removed in a future release) * Enqueue custom stylesheet in an update safe location `/wp-content/opus-primus-customs/` * Enqueue custom JavaScript in an update safe location `/wp-content/opus-primus-customs/` * Refactored all defaults using true/false to use filtered define statements * Refactored `OpusPrimusTaglines::tagline_create_boxes` to clarify the parameter usage * Remove conditional customization enqueue using internal theme folder * Renamed `opus-ignite.php` to `opus-primus-ignite.php` and moved to theme root * Renamed `OpusPrimusNavigation::image_nav` to `OpusPrimusNavigation::image_link_navigation` * Replaced `OpusPrimusStructures::replace_spaces` with `sanitize_html_class` * Set Customization path and URL CONSTANTS = CSS = * Added `Navigation` section and `Pagination Method` sub-section * Complete refactoring of the `@media` query styles for better responsiveness * Corrected `select` element to use "max-width" rather than "width" * Fixed white space on right side of iPhone displays * Minor adjustments to `img` tag related items * Monster be gone!? - addressed special case many level menu in sidebar = Miscellaneous = * Updated `hooks-filter.txt` documentation to note eight (8) new filters * Updated `hooks-actions.txt` documentation to note two (2) new actions * Updated `screenshot.png` to show a bit more of the theme display /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.2.4 == * Released May 2014 = Code = * Added sanity check to only display comments_link when not in single view or in an archive view * Added Featured Image Thumbnails to post-format single and archive view templates (except Post-Formats: Image and Gallery) * Added `opus_primus_theme_version()` call as an accessible text string * Added new default `number_of_secondary_images` method under Gallery parameters * Bring the Featured Image Thumbnail back into the index view ... can you say "waffle"? * Change `$output = null` to `$output = ''` in `OpusPrimusPosts::sticky_flag` method * Corrected typo in `'opus_links_pages_after'` hook * Corrected modified date/time output to account for scheduled posts being modified earlier than they are posted * Refactored conditional comments and featured thumbnail checks into the `comments_link` and `show_featured_thumbnail` methods * Removed `extract` function, escaped attributes, and refactored conditional checks in PullQuotes Stanza * Use `opus_primus_theme_version` in place of `wp_get_theme` calls * Use transients to improve performance impact of the `OpusPrimusStructures::copyright` method = CSS = * Added Format-Aside Dashicons to Post-Format: Aside posts * Added Flag Dashicons to Sticky Posts * Changed Password Protected Dashicons to use the Lock * Separated the Tagline output class into two different classes * Updated normalize.css to 3.0.1 (copy and pasted from git.io/normalize) = Miscellaneous = * Added filter `opus_primus_theme_version_text` * Change text domain to match theme slug * Updated `hooks-actions.txt` * Updated `hooks-filters.txt` (corrected reference to `opus_first_author_details_text`) * Updated Opus Primus PullQuotes `readme.txt` /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.2.3 == * Released February 2014 = Code = * Added more tests * Added Featured Image thumbnail to standard post-format archive views * Moved `featured_image` wrapper into OpusPrimusGallery::featured_image method * Moved `secondary_images` wrapper into OpusPrimusGallery::secondary_images method * Moved the ellipsis out of the read more link * Refactored `$output` to use `button` class versus the button element in meta byline flags * Removed unused parameter `$more` from `OpusPrimusPosts::excerpt_more_link` method * Removed `$sep_location` parameter as it was not used in `browser_title` method * Removed Featured Image thumbnail from index view * Renamed `OpusPrimusDefaults` methods from `show_*` to `display_*` * Set `display_page_byline` to true as theme author aesthetic choice = CSS = * Added post coda post format classes * Added `dashicons` dependency to main `Opus-Primus` stylesheet * Added `button` class to replace the button element styles * Change to only append to the `cite` tag when it is inside the `blockquote` tag * Center align Calendar Day table header cells * Fixed really long Post Titles and Words not wrapping as expected * General clean-up and removal of excess/over-writing properties * Prepended Post Byline with matching Post-Format dashicons * Re-Adjust `ul.nav-menu` and `.nav-menu` to `z-index: 3` for main menu * Reduced the citation font-size for better aesthetics = JavaScript = * Re-format code structures * Removed `table-stripe` class from specific Calendar elements = Miscellaneous = * Updated tags used in `style.css` header block to include responsive-layout and fluid-layout * Updated `readme.txt` to note existence and location of `changelog.txt` * Updated `readme.txt` copyright notice to clarify copyright years used by individual files. * Updated Required WordPress version to 3.8 for `dashicons` dependency /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.2.2 == * Released October 2013 = Code = * Added conditional test rather than print both breadcrumbs (one empty) * Additional i18n code corrections and enhancements * Corrected i18n code for EXIF data * Extracted $post_title management from `post_breadcrumb` method into the `breadcrumb_post_title` method * Fixed issue with Gallery Post-Format being used when the `gallery` shortcode is not used. * Fixed undefined offset when there is no image found in post * Reformatted to be closer to (modified) WordPress Coding Standards - see https://gist.github.com/Cais/8023722 = CSS = * Reduced all menu related elements with `z-index` property to a value of 1 * Removed `z-index` property from breadcrumb related elements * Set the breadcrumbs background color to `#ffffff` (white) = Miscellaneous * Add documentation to the `first_linked_image` function * Removed `table-stripe` class from Post-Format: Image tables * Tested up to WordPress version 3.7 /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.2.1 == * Released August 2013 * Removed `translation-ready` tag /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.2 == * Released August 2013 = Code = * Added display of featured image centered at full size in single standard post format view * Added full `featured_image` method call to single view of post formats audio, chat, quote, and status * Added `get_author_description` method in Authors class * Added filtered `comment_form_required_field_glyph` method in Comments class * Added many new filters - see http://opusprimus.com/under-the-page/hooks-filters/ or `hooks-filters.txt` for a current list * Added sanity conditional check to eliminate potential duplicate body classes * Added `is_single` conditional test before enqueue of Comment Tabs script * Added post to post navigation in single view * Added conditional check if not post password required when displaying comments * Added conditional for showing the page byline details * Added `display_page_byline` default and set as false * Changed `the_post_thumbnail` to use parameters which are set in the call to `OpusPrimusImage::featured_image` * Changed post thumbnail on pages to full size image and align to the center * Changed comment fields into an unordered list * Changed `meta-tags` container from `p` to `div` (adjusted CSS as needed) * Changed `opus_post_byline_details` filter to `opus_post_byline_phrase` * Check for long post titles in breadcrumbs and trim as needed * Display comment count in meta details if comments exist and comments are closed * Fixed call to wrong post navigation function in single view * Merge `opus-ignite.php` into `functions.php` * Moved `featured_image` method call into `is_single` conditional in post-format loops * Removed `featured_image` method call from post-formats link and video loops * Removed global `$opus_image_meta`; replaced with call to `exif_data` method * Removed `style.less` related function and action calls * Removed `restore_image_title` = CSS = * Added styles for comment form fields * Added more specific selector used with `.post.format-link` * Added more BNS Plugin Integration (BPI) adjustments * Added styles from compiled `style.less` file (file removed) * Added `img` elements for captioned images and `wp-smiley` images * Address both class and id usage for the sidebar search form * Adjusted widths of comment form elements * Adjusted CSS to better handle large images with captions in large full-width displays * Adjusted `table` elements from `max-width: 100%` to `width: 100%` and other minor changes * Minor tweaks and adjustments * Sorted out the adaptive layout for screens less than 480px wide = JavaScript = * Added more specific selector used with `.post.format-link` when adding `.link-symbol` class * Added script to create class to display tables with striped rows * Removed LESS JavaScript library = Stanzas = * PullQuotes - Added `pullquotes-readme.txt` file * PullQuotes - Added left-side placement with new `to` parameter * Taglines - Added `taglines-readme.txt` file * THA - Added `tha-readme.txt` file = Miscellaneous = * Documentation Updates * Minor changes to text tense used in `changelog.txt` * Removed `style.less` file (compiled and merged into `opus-primus.css` file) * Removed license references related to LESS as all components were removed * Updated `hooks-actions.txt` * Updated `hooks-filters.txt` * Updated `readme.txt` FAQ - What is the difference between how the "Featured Image" is used on a post and how it is used on a page? * Updated `readme.txt` FAQ - What are Stanzas? * Updated `readme.txt` FAQ - What happened to the LESS components of the theme? /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.1.1 == * Released March 2013 = Code = * Added `all_comments_count` and `show_all_comments_count` methods to Comments class to be used in the 'comments.php' template when displaying total comments * General minor code refactorings and improvements * Moved `comments only tab`, `pingbacks only tab` and `trackbacks only tab` functionality into Comments class methods * Moved `comments only panel`, `pingbacks only panel` and `trackbacks only panel` functionality into Comments class methods = CSS = * Added rounded corners for the comment type tabs and the comments panel * Added `#d3d3d3` color as default tab background color; active is transparent * Removed unused element for non-existent 'comments-toggle' script = Miscellaneous = * Remove $content_width set values from Structures class method `layout_open` and set in 'functions.php' * Updated 'hooks-actions.txt' /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.1 == * Released March 2013 = Code = * Added `excerpt_more_link` and attached to `excerpt_more` filter * Added `anchor_title_text` for use with `excerpt_more_link` and permalink in the post meta details * Added additional list wrapper around each comment type * Added Breadcrumbs trails to pages and posts * Added Comment Tabs for each type (Comment, Pingback, and Trackback) * Created and enqueued 'opus-primus-comment-tabs.js' * Created Header class * Dropped `restore_image_title` filter hook into `media_send_to_editor` as potentially blocking insertion of media * Fixed comments (only) count output * Limit width generated by "Full Size Video" JavaScript to a maximum of 1000px * Refactored Structures class to put `site_title`, `site_description`, and `custom_header_image` into Header class * Refactored `opus-primus-header` to reflect class/method changes of Structures and Header = CSS = * Added classes to `h2`, `ul`, and `li` elements in `OpusPrimusAuthors::author_details` * Add minor comments styles * Centered content of Post Format: Video posts. = Miscellaneous = * Removed unused style sheet 'opus-primus-responsive-layout.css' /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.0.4 == * Released March 2013 = Code = * Added 'Breadcrumbs' class * Fixed problem with wrong loop method call in 'archive.php' * Moved `breadcrumbs` method from 'Structures' class to 'Breadcrumbs' class * Removed `hgroup` container from 'opus-primus-header' = CSS = * Added Breadcrumbs section * Code formatting /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.0.3 == * Released February 2013 = Code = * Changed the MetaBoxes class to TagLines * Moved TagLines into its own Stanza as another example of the theme extensibility * Added `breadcrumbs` method to Structures as a precursor to new features in version 1.1 /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.0.2 == * Released February 2013 = Code = * Fixed 'search' template bug when a page is returned in the results = CSS = * Started "BNS Plugin Integrations" (aka BPI) - BNS Inline Asides /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.0.1 == * Released February 2013 = Code = * Added 'opus_footer_after' action hook * Change classes in '404.php' from using underscores to using hyphens * Created new methods `the_loop_wrapped` and `the_loop_archives_wrapped` * Modified action hooks to more semantic naming convention: `opus_
_` * Moved 'opus_body_bottom' action hook to immediately before closing body tag * Replaced `the_loop` method and surrounding code with `the_loop_wrapped` * Replaced `the_loop_archives` method and surrounding code with `the_loop_archives_wrapped` * Wrapped 'opus_modified_post_after' action hook in conditional making it consistent with 'opus_modified_post_before' = CSS = * Centered top level menu items only - better aesthetics with short page titles * Added `clear: both;` to 'img.aligncenter, img.center' to address Firefox issue when when a Featured Image and a large in post image are too close together. * Added post coda post format classes * Fixed really long Post Titles and Words not wrapping as expected = Miscellaneous = * Fixed no comments message * Minor code formatting * Refactored the 'hooks-actions.txt' listing * Updated 'theme-version-guidelines.txt' as taken from http://opusprimus.com/under-the-page/theme-version-guidelines/ * Updated 'hooks-actions.txt' as taken from http://opusprimus.com/under-the-page/hooks-actions/ /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Version 1.0 == * Initial release - February 2013 /** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ == Copyright == Copyright (c) 2012-2016, Opus Primus This file is part of Opus Primus. Opus Primus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. You may NOT assume that you can use any other version of the GPL. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc. 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA The license for this software can also likely be found here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html